Browsing by Author Arteaga Miñano, Hubert Luzdemio

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
PreviewIssue DateTitleAuthor(s)???itemlist.dc.contributor.advisor???
26-Feb-2024Improving Behavior Monitoring of Free-Moving Dairy Cows Using Noninvasive Wireless EEG Approach and Digital Signal Processing TechniquesArteaga Miñano, Hubert Luzdemio-
1-Feb-2024Influencia de la temperatura y velocidad de aire empleado sobre el proceso de secado de pituca (Colocasia esculenta) y la calidad sensorial de la harinaCubas Vicente, Blin Clinton; Sempertegui Silva, Jhon AndyDíaz Ruiz, Adán; Arteaga Miñano, Hubert Luzdemio
26-Feb-2024Pijuayo (Bactris gasipaes) Pulp and Peel Flours as Partial Substitutes for Animal Fat in Burgers: Physicochemical PropertiesArteaga Miñano, Hubert Luzdemio; Rios Mera, Juan Dario-
19-Jul-2022The convolutional neural network as a tool to classify electroencephalography data resulting from the consumption of juice sweetened with caloric or non-caloric sweetenersArteaga Miñano, Hubert Luzdemio-